Australian Trailblazer for Recycling and Clean Energy (ATRaCE) among eight bids shortlisted to receive a share in $242.7 million in federal government funding.
Transitioning to sustainable energy and material systems
ReNew Materials is pleased to support the UNSW-UoN bid for Trailblazer Universities Program as an industry partner in collaboration with Prof. Yansong Shen of UNSW.
ATRaCE) bid will focus on the development and commercialisation of solutions helping Australia and the world transition to more sustainable energy and material systems. UNSW and the University of Newcastle have a huge pipeline of innovative technologies that are aligned with growing global markets in electrification and energy systems, ‘power to X’ including hydrogen, next-generation solar PV systems, recycling and MICROfactories. Our Trailblazer vision is to create a full innovation ecosystem that builds on our successful commercialisation history, accelerates impact and creates national capability.